It just recently occurred to me that I hadn’t mentioned p.b.’s little chibi drawing of me and Shinji. So here it is, in all of its glory!
Good grief it’s so damn simple and yet so dam cute I give it a 9 out of 10! Why just 9 you may ask well the original took some marks off, it is shown below…
If you just saw the picture and was like “but there’s no difference, (==") what nonsense are you talking about?” Then get out… >=/
No, seriously. (ppl who are masters at spot the difference proceed forward a paragraph or two)
Out now… just out! Look at the spelling of my screen name! >_<>
You know I’ve been wondering is it really that hard to spell my screen name? Kurayami Ryu… what’s so hard about it? Have I been some how deluded myself into thinking it’s easy to spell? I mean I have used the name for like 4+ years right now so I guess I would be slightly bias but… This calls for an experiment I shall randomly go up to people I know and ask weather or not them know how to spell it…
My god P.B… you even helped me find that name!
…although now that I think about it the little bear is prone to typos…
But no matter! I shall seek out the truth and post it in twitter or the comments!
3/6/09, 11:44 AM
ppl look on your key board see how close the 'u' and he 'i' is???...
and i am not a traditional touch typist... i just type as i feel most comfy
*personal jk to vic LIKE LOULUCHE!!!
3/6/09, 4:53 PM
U AND THE I!?!?!?
U AND THE I?!?!?!
3/6/09, 5:02 PM
its A and I lizzie. A & I! LOL.
poor girl trying to justify her actions to someone who will endlessly and continually punish her for a simple mistake. if only you stayed up ridiculous hours like me and trang you coulda used the "but it was 5am" excuse.
3/6/09, 11:12 PM
ok... as discussed during our intimate nite out...LOVE YOU (you know who to are...) i don't noe what i was thinking... and i can't believe i tried to justify a mistake only to make an additional mistake...
but u and i should always be close together!
3/7/09, 9:04 AM
...just fail...
3/8/09, 4:14 PM
I win.
I'm a master of spot the difference (so what if i took 5 minutes).
Although i do know how to spell your name why not make it easier but calling yourself "K" or "Dogface"
3/9/09, 2:56 AM
LoL at dogface suggestion... so meannnn!
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