So Much Purple...

I finished this like a week ago but didn't put it up till now. Had a lot of fun with this one but there's heaps i have to complain about it. It started off as following a tutorial i saw on the net for digital impressionism but i got completely thrown off so i started on this instead.

I still have no idea why i didn't save after 6-8 hours working on it but my comp froze and i had to start all over again. =[

Well in any case here's the drawing in it's finished form!


Gah, gotta shrink it so much to get it to fit, click on it to see it bigger please!

It's Lanzer although i chopped off his wings to make the picture simpler. I see some flaws i should fix up but kinda too lazy to do it.

This picture is pretty special to me cuz it's the first picture I've done that's been created using Photoshop and tablet. In addition, it was made after being on a 2 year hiatus from Photoshop. Picking up all the shortcuts again was a pleasant feeling of course. Throwing all the traditional mats out the window was kinda fun. I have to try this again with another character when I've the time!

Back to my game design essay~

The Eggling is a Lie

So what would have now been a flourish blog full of posts about my previously mentioned Eggling is now a single blog post 3 months later. Long story cut short nothing happened with the Eggling… I took 14 daily photos before going hum… nothing is happening. I do intend to get some seeds and try again but maybe in spring.

On another note I will be back now that uni started and I will be making stuff for uni that I’ll show off a little here every now and again that and some 3D stuff I do in Autodesk Maya cuz that’s one of my main subjects this semester which is all very exciting, minus waiting for the thing to download cuz of slow internet. Yay for free software though cuz I’m a student!