Listening to: ‘Burn my Dread’ Opening song to Persona 3 by Meguro Masashi
Been wondering for some time now that Shinji, in the pictures i've drawn so far, is just that little bit too peaceful... and well since he does represent me in some kind of shape or form I find that he lacks some personality that I have… so to kill off some of that unneeded tranquillity and mix in a little annoyance and rage I’ve I scribbled up a pic =D

Calm yourself he’s not killing himself nor do I feel suicidal. Concept is from a game that I’ve played called persona 3.
That gun he is holding is does not fire real bullets it’s just a tool called an evoker to summon a guardian called a persona. There’s more backline to the game and the tool but I won’t go into that all you need to know is I missed the game and seeing my party members shoot themselves in the head to kill monsters, called shadows, with pretty magical effects. So I did a pic of Shinji doing something similar. Shinji does not have a persona this is just a pic for fun, although his first name is the same as one of the characters in this game.
(Main Character of Persona 3, Pic is from the Manga)
I guess I’ll be playing around with this pic for a awhile I think I’ll colour it in too.
One more thing below is one of the 2 openings to Persona 3 if anyone is curious. You get to see some shoot-self-in-head-to whoop-your-ass action at 0:46. Why does nearly everyone in this game shoot themsleves on the side of the head? Show some creativity people! There is a 17+ warning so follow it, if youth emanates from your blood.
3/2/09, 2:40 AM
Can you draw me me as a girl wolf?? =P
3/2/09, 3:47 PM
i like it vic... cannot wait for the colout and 'blood'
3/2/09, 6:02 PM
Trang i guess i could try... but i think it would be kinda hard... Well there's no harm in trying i guess =P
3/2/09, 9:46 PM
-fail at envoking-
Sorry I is extremely bored right now...can I type some random jap stuff?
I kid, so what is shinji's personality? and if he did have a persona what would it BE??
3/3/09, 10:08 PM
Shinji's personality is my personality lol so he's probably not that likable in terms of a character in my story
aka lots of different moods for different people...
If he did have a persona? Probably the soul that's in his axe but i haven't done much story line of the new characters yet...
3/5/09, 7:55 PM
Hey that's kinda cool, just don't try it in real life yeah?
3/6/09, 5:06 PM
haha girl wolf with alien toes vic! go go go!
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