Well now would you look at that my blogs been changed, I’ve added that recent comments thing that everyone had due to the popular demand, got and added twitter so I can still waffle on while being busy with school and with the help of Trang and lady luck we killed the search box that was on my blog.
I changed the top as you can see with something I made just moments ago here it is again, just in case I decide to change it one day.

And Without words…

So lets see now how did I get to this… I’ve been wanting to change the top for a while not but had no real ideas so I got to work today cuz I was free, initially it was just going to be something like this,

Yeah it’s just my siggy and at fist I was alright, sure it needed a lot of tweaking but the concept was kinda solid to me. However, after looking at it a second time I couldn’t get the image of the neon lights that they use to show up things like ‘LIVE NUDES’. Didn’t really want such an image to pop up in my mind when ever I stoped by my own blog… So tried something else, an ice beam but it felt a little too flashy…

So I went through all the photo’s I had taken and found an over exposed image.
So I was like great! Sure why not and I just threw away the old ideas and got carried away with playing around with this pic. Cut out a section and began dodging and burning the crap out of the picture till it came to this.

Felt it needed more dodging and burning and layer effects so put on pin light layer effect went over the outside with a fluffy black brush (cuz my blog is black) and then I tried it out on my blog.

It looked weird… so I added some crap and mystical words I could think of added some text in and there it is all the text should be readable (with effort). Took approximately 4 hours to complete the end result is at the top and I’m pretty happy with it. Maybe I’ll do a few more little projects like this.
2/19/09, 9:54 PM
LOL vic maybe you should do homework!!!!
slash you have to download some water for me next time im up i wanna see if this shit is real!
2/20/09, 6:41 AM
Wow I didn't know this much effort went into it. You did a really good job... I was squinting to read all the transparent words LoL... so beautiful.
2/20/09, 6:44 AM
Oh and I want that baby green font colour that you have on the side bar on my blog. Will come see you about it soon haha
2/20/09, 6:56 AM
Haha sure i don't mi- ! You you're awake?! At 6am?
2/22/09, 5:26 PM
Photoshop certainly isn’t wasted on you. Didn't expect you to actually put some of those words in, you do realise that puttin all that stuff in does make you seem like you've got problems and lots of them.
2/22/09, 8:18 PM
Didn't you read my first official blog entry here? I DO have problems! XD Well in any case most of the stuff up there is only half true i guess, most of it was stuff i could think up of to suit the image.
1/10/10, 7:25 AM
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