Going Against the School Dress Code

“You know, if I knew you only through your blog I would actually think you were a nice person”

(Jason, one of my close friends at school and his response to my blog)

So well another entry into the blog mainly to get rid of that my previous blog entry where I’m sure most people have probably just looked at the pictures and either skimmed or didn’t even bother to read the text lol. Now that I think about it I doubt anyone one would be able to take that much artistic bull shit any way so be honest tell me if you didn’t read the last entry wether it be in the comments or in person cuz I find it funny my self now that I read it, all that arty farty language. =P I’ll just attribute it to one of my many personalities, moving on.

I’m pretty sure everyone’s heard of the most horrendous looking, yet sinfully comfortable shoe ever to reach mainstream retail, crocs. Normally I wouldn’t blabber or even think of diving into the world of shoes (I’ll would leave that to Mizz Mai) but, after spending the whole week with them on at school you kinda wonder about it…

K: “you know would it really be that hard to make crocs look better? I mean it wouldn’t be that hard”

P: “I guess…”

K: “…”

P: “…”

K: “…I was just thinking that the horrible look might actually be their trademark…”

P: “Yeah so was i…”

Now the reason behind that randomness is after the Wilson’s prom trip I smashed my toe into some rocks and tore out some skin and flesh off my toes, and as a result I made my first week back even more fun. My shoes went missing cuz they were in someone else’s car so Monday morning I had to wear dad’s tiny shoes and by the end of the day the foot got swollen and I had to get it checked and get a med certificate. Cuz for the next few days I wanted to wear open foot gear and in the end realising that my sandals had disappeared 2 years ago the next best foot gear was crocs.

I wasn’t really surprised at the number of times people took a glance at my shoes and was like what the hell. I hated when people take a glance, look away, glace again and keep repeating that process often I responded with ‘What the hell are you lookin at?’ priceless were the year 9 which would stammer out ‘n-nothing!’ or just run off. =D Ah year 9s so young so timid "fufufu" I love it! *w*

Well my foot has semi recovered and I will refrain the urge to pick at it.


  theee mizzMAI

2/8/09, 12:14 PM

haha vic u make me laugh! ur such a bully. LOL. dont worry, i mastered that in high school... ah the days. i also mastered victim... won't reminice on that!

hope ur toe is feeling better. and never wear shoes too small for u. its cardinal rule 101! for shame vic!

love ya!


2/8/09, 10:19 PM

I think crocs are cute, I got bob the builder blue ones for Drewie.

Man, if you can bully them then do it!! I was bullied by year 7s when I was in year 12. They locked me in the common room lockers. True story.


2/11/09, 9:09 PM

LOL vic is an art fag! and i did read ur post text and all!!!!
LOL at u being school bully. think ur so big now that ur in year 12!!! make the most of it yo!


2/11/09, 10:42 PM

What victor lacks in physical size for intimidation he makes up in evil eye glaring..backed up by the Panda.

Yaye we is Yr 12s. Ultimate power to us.

Give back my usb.

And this is jason if you haven't figured out by now. This wordpress account is one that I found out I had ages ago but never used...


2/14/09, 9:45 PM

haha i remember when you got home and took of your shoe !!

i looked at it and was like
"ohhhhh shiii that doesn't look right"