First off a riddle, answer will be at the bottom of the post. “If you were to put a coin into an empty bottle and then insert a cork into the neck, how could you remove the coin without taking out the cork or breaking the bottle?”
Ok then, so well it’s Sunday and weekdays passed as normal with some unforseen events occurring but never the less I’m glad another week is gone. Ask me how my day was and I’ll walk right past you same will occur if you ask how was school… You know I never really understood that question I mean I get what they’re asking but what the heck for? Often I think what do they want me to say? =S “OH MY GOD! It was the best learning experience in my entire life and I’m itching to head beck there right away!” HAH FAT CHANCE! I get the concept of small talk but that question is just… stupid.
Moving on, P.B and myself got addicted to a different arcade game instead of Ghost Squad were now into House of the Dead 4 and it’s just basically shooting the crap out of zombies. Enemies, if they get too close, can grab you (in the game it would be cool if in real life but…no) and you need to shake the crap out of your gun to push them away. It really different and a lot of fun, spent at least 20 just playing games.
Walked around looking around and we saw a good board game called Mind Trap, and by the looks of it, it has tones of riddles and they’re really good we were considering buying it but we didn’t in the end. It needs more thought, the riddle that I placed is a sample from the game. Kept walking around and I got a foot massager oh it feels so good…


(Pretty box too…)
It works wonders especially when yo’re on your feet all day and carrying textbooks in your bag and a chubby Blueberry. Blueberry, I know, you know I think you’re the best but could you lose a couple of pounds?
You know I think I’m starting to have a problem of not being able to post without putting up a picture… the crocs one felt so… bare and well naked… I think its cuz of this black background too…
Riddle Answer “Simply push the cork into the bottle and shake the coin out” Did you kick yourself when you found out the answer? I know I did.
2/15/09, 6:52 PM
is ur school comment referring to me? i am genuinely interested vic!
so... how is school? :P
2/15/09, 7:11 PM
Yes yes, i'm sure you are and i will say the same thing as i always do,
'alright, it's just school'
You know pumpkin and harv are starting to ask this million dollar question to me too... Why is this question so popular? =="
2/16/09, 4:12 AM
What do you mean??????
I ask you how was school?? ALL THE TIME!!
You always give me such good goss when I ask you that question. Again, What do you mean?????
2/16/09, 4:13 AM
LoL!! I just read the comments before mine... i thought i was the only one who asks you that question.
2/16/09, 4:16 AM
Jelly Bean is light.. but I do miss having a big screen...
Hahaha... yes Vic, join the all post must have pics club...
7/4/09, 12:16 AM
Well guess what? I passed the foot massager onto someone else who would put it to better use than i could sooo wellll yeah =P
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