Yep Blueberry is back and that means I’ll be back here too! My blog’s a year old now and I was going to mess up and completely change the look of the blog with some new drawing but with the absence of blueberry that couldn’t happen! >=/ *slaps Blueberry* well anyway it’s a little refreshing having Blueberry back without it having anything on it. On the shipment box I found out that it went to Sydney! Bloody thing’s been on a holiday while I’ve been... sleeping... =w=”
It’s kinda funny cuz each day I’m teaching it a little something like today I thought It how to use Tabele again and how to use Photoshop CS4, that’s right I’ve upgraded form CS2! And there’s also another member in my little electronics family called Devil’s Maw but more on him another time. I would have taken a photo of the shipment box but I got lazy so I just took a screen shot of my comp a few minutes ago showing a typical days work for Blueberry.

(Blueberry: You f***ing slave driver...)
There’s still stuff I need to teach Blueberry but that’s a problem cuz I can’t remember most of the stuff myself. All I know right now is that it’s got communication problems with Lide (relationship problems with the scanner? Who would have thought)? While on the other side of the spectrum Salt Flakes and Blueberry under stood each other within like two seconds. It reminded me of how in anime or games two macho characters just look at each other and nod, then all of the sudden they fully understand one another and pull off a half super, half awesome special attack! Or, in this case a pop up bubble in the corner saying “external device ready for use” and the logo on salt flakes starts glowing... =w=” Kinda lackluster if you ask me...
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