So I wrote a blog entry a while ago after new years but didn’t finish it off and cuz I kept putting it off some of the things I said became irrelevant, which ended up in me putting off blogging even more and well yeah… but back now. New years was normal… although the Melbourne fireworks weren’t shown on tv =S What happened? Did the bad weather cause the fireworks to get cancelled?
Not much has happened to me been playing games, which is to be expected, surfing the net finding music and just passing through the days really. I finished off a picture like a week ago, it’s a Shinji one I finished it on the 2nd took awhile to reach here though…

This took a lot longer than I thought it would to lazy to colour it in but I might in the future cuz I do like it.
Well in any case this is the first post of the year so… Happy New Year! Have fun and don’t get yourselves killed.
1/16/10, 6:56 PM
1/17/10, 1:10 AM
What happened to the spam box...?
Nice shinji btw
1/19/10, 11:41 AM
The spam box got too spammed... so i killed it! >:3
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