Salt Flakes

I has a new hard drive! YAY! 1TB too!

Fastest shopping ever…

4:15pm, Leaves house to go find external hard drive…

4:30pm, Haggling…

4:45pm, Purchased and leaving the store

5:00pm, Home… (WTF? And I was shopping with mum too…)

Anyway… I scanned the box and have it a name!

Salt Flakes

Pretty… It’s name is Salt Flakes! ^w^

Salt Flakes Lights

OwO! It glows!

Blueberry X Salt Flake

It’s friends with Blueberry! *w*

(or maybe a little more Salt Flakes is putting it’s “cord” into Blueberry “usb slot”)



8/30/09, 8:46 PM

That's a lot of names you have there...

Reminds me that I need an external HDD some time soon...

Hey, when I bought that 20 pack of Butter-Menthols, I think I got an extra one! Bonus! =P


8/30/09, 9:13 PM

Now that i think about it...

PSP= Jade Melon
USB= Piney Apple
Mobile Phone= Black Pepper
Old Dead Computer= Mushroom
HDD= Salt Flakes
Laptop= Blueberry
Tablet= Tabele
Scanner= Lide
Camera= Tornado

I even remember the reason for each one being named that too... =w=

And here you were complaining about there not being 20 in there...

  theee mizzMAI

8/30/09, 10:19 PM

oh man i never realised u had so many names... i just knew of blueberry haha.

yay on the 1tb! we can be 1tb buddies! *hi5*


8/31/09, 12:06 AM

you got chokore's younger brother D:
Salt flakes looks to be a newer version of seagate 1tb free Agent. X3


8/31/09, 2:33 AM

Can I back up my thesis files on to salt flake?



8/31/09, 4:02 AM

1TB is a good start....
(Easyjet have just lost my 1TB drive, and my 250GB one *evil bastards*)

As for names, lol, too much time on your hands?


8/31/09, 11:58 PM

whoa whoa whoa!

haggling was 15minutes?? ONLY???


9/1/09, 3:35 PM

wow liz told me you were getting one, didn't expect it to be this quick lol. Efficient !

Btw how much did it set you back?
I need one too