Time for some linking up! On the side bar over there I’ve added blogs that I wanna promote so running through them here we go! I made something for each of the blogs too! =3 I took things that you would see in the front page to make the ‘blog banners’? (click it for more detail)
Trang’s Blog
A life blog that features a shit tonne of photos, follows the concept of… “if there were no photos it didn’t happen”. Often discusses some random things e.g. porn. (that will get you hits… although maybe not from the right kind of people). Look out for the comments, they go off topic and the interaction in there is rare for blogs these days.

Blog has a nice down to earth feel so I wanted to keep that concept and spice it up a little. =P
Thee world of mizzMAI
A shoe/photo loving whore lives here (I mean that in the most affectionate way possible) It is Mizz Mai’s blog with an upbeat feel to her blog that will be your greatest fantasy if you love the modern pop culture that Mizz Mai relishes in. A typical girl’s dream blog written by the queen of shoes.

Showy and fancy and in your face is the style of Mizz Mai, purple for obvious reasons…
Pumpk-n’s World
A bored uni student makes her way on the stage with refreshing stories and entries of her life. Refreshing to read but rarely updates of her own free will (you know it’s true >=P leave comments to harass her).

HER BLOG IS SO PLAIN… So I kept that simple feel and it ended up looking like a candy bar… added the ‘55g’ to add to this. Like the bears? =P
Dave’s Shifty Shutters
This blog is hot off the press and it’s a photo blog. Fresh new photographer that will surely mature greatly as time goes on. For people of little words. Lots of growing potential can be seen here keep a look out for this blog!

Had a simple blog layout too so instead I used his first ever photo to create this for him as well as his water mark.
Keep it up Bloggers and keep having fun! =P
8/19/09, 9:31 PM
i love it.... i love how you captured everyone so well....
love the photo and the descriptions!!! LOVE!
8/19/09, 9:37 PM
i love it i love it i love it.
you and pb have a knack of capturing our essences...
if only benjamin used his blog u could promote his too! shame on u ben!
i LURVE my promo that u did. awesomeness! <3<3<3
8/19/09, 9:41 PM
I laughed so hard... what a totally awesome post... and I love what you did to all our blog pics *heart* u Vic!!
8/19/09, 9:48 PM
And the winner of " Entry of the year goes.....coming up....VICTOR "
Holy shit man great work on those banners!
I like what you did with mine but just as much as i like the others cos there all awesome!
Just looking at it I can see the work that went into them. Nice one vic.
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