Hahaha! So yeah it’s a bit late =w=” even Trang beat me to it. =P
I’ve been busy alright?! >=/

(Yay! Pro hanging like a real gallery!)
So yeah art exhibition happened on the 9th of October showcasing all of the artwork that the students made was kinda funny how they bluntly favoured the senior’s work over the year 9 students their work got crammed into the bottom ground floor only to be seen when you entered. Ah favouritism how I love it! =3

(Suppoters p.b., Trangalang and Pumpkn we there in the in the flesh while the rest were… AWOL… TwT)

(Trang went on a bit of a rampage here… got excited that my name got mounted on a little piece of foam board.) =P
Any way! Night was fun it was weird although I saw a lot of the works being made I never really got to see what they looked like in the end and with the art gallery setting that my school put up it was very nice to see them in properly lighting and framed.

(They also laid out our folios on tables for people to flick through so that was different and kinda nice too)
10/23/09, 9:30 PM
Seems like you had a lot of fun showing yourself off, huh?
10/24/09, 10:56 AM
I do like the attention yes... =w=" Was kinda fun...
10/24/09, 3:36 PM
oh vic so proud :D
please dont diss me !
im complimenting youuu !!! LOLOL
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