So a while ago I drew a quick scribble picture and made a new spear for Tetsurai at school, cuz the first one was too angular and mathematical. Long story cut short I liked it so much I designed a costume to go with it. Picture is sketchy and stuff which I do kinda like but then again i do kinda wanna clean it up and colour it in but probably not right now got other things that i need to draw for school. =w=” He has got no headphones! No smile too! I drew him hair! I kinda like it compared to how he looks in the past... =S Orange cuz that’s his fur colour! He’s an original character, meaning not based on a person I know.
7/19/09, 11:02 PM
Ever going to colour this picture in? Cause right now the jackets are blending in pretty well, lol.
Left foot is a bit wonky don't you think? Compared to the right foot that is. What about the right hand? think about this, would you have your hand in that position when you're just leaving it there on your side?
D'ya think that his arms are a little long? Just a little... Either that or its just that too much of his legs are covered, giving the illusion that he's shorter... Oh, comparing Tetsu's torso to his legs, are they supposed to be roughly the same size? I'd think torso's are meant to be smaller. (height wise)
What do you think?
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