It’s been so long… Let’s see now the irony of the situation remember me going “Swine Flu FTW!”? I didn’t get swine flu I ended up getting something worse a fricken throat infection that I managed to spread to all my family and friends X3 I don’t think there was any one that missed out on the “lovin”. I found out that there were a few ppl that actually did have swine flu and hearing the symptoms for an actual victim I have come to the conclusion that…


Any way having that throat infection was not fun seing as I couldn’t enjoy the swine flu days off school… (I got a pretty thermometer though!) I then had exams which were ok but what was bad was the bloody folio where practically all of it (except for the drawings) was done in 2 days… It sucked… I got sick of drawing too cuz all the time was spent on critiquing my own stuff… I mean honestly what was a meant to say, “I like what I drew it’s an anthro and anthros are cool” wonder how many marks I would be able to scrape in if I said that on every page… I had to make up stuff and be like “I like the effectively of the lines here it as to the contours to the character and establishes a greater form” I mean it is fun to create such flowery lines but after doing it so much you really, really get sick of it… Well any way I did have some help from a fat panda and a stupid nya-ing… thing…

(I would call him a cat but cat boys are f***ing retarded so I could say tiger but that has so many sexual innuendos like the movie scenes where you see some whore go “hey there tiger” with the whole sex look to some guy in a trench coat (what the hell kind of movie did I see… ah that’s right I don’t watch movies… so where did that idea come from…) or the whole “rrrrrrrraw…” with that hand clawing movement thing that you see some ppl doing implying that they’re a “party” animal… I have no idea where this is going and this isn’t the first time either… I think I’ll close the bracket now…)

But any way with their help I got things done! They did so much cutting and pasting for the folio =3 (dishonourable mention to the tekken addicted thing that just played PSP… Grrrr…) Well in the end the folio got in after a sleepless night ended up being 73 A3 pages… I loved it… but I hated it so much…

OMG! CRAP! I never scanned the two new characters I made Miranda and Paritita =w= geh… so much for that… Well there we have it another entry without a picture… Just visualise an image of Marilyn Monroe going “Hey tiger…” and we’re set!



6/21/09, 4:56 PM

"some help from a fat panda"

Man, maybe I should never, ever help you again if all I get are insults!

I think I deserve more credit than that!


*sigh* ...Least we got it done, right?


6/21/09, 5:13 PM

=w= I said thanks in person didn't i? I even shouted fud... Remember the tasty pizza?

  theee mizzMAI

6/21/09, 5:41 PM


i think that throat infection made u more handsome... *wink


6/22/09, 11:13 PM

hey tiger,
i'm not a stalker
well, i am just a little
but fact is i read your blog
so maybe i should go hide behind some bushes
(oh.. awkward)


6/23/09, 8:01 PM

I role play as a wolf/dog/canine thing... not a tiger =w=

You must be a new stalker... want my adress? I'll give you a ladder too, so you can watch me sleep from my window and my mobile number so you can call me and hear me breathe...


Hello there btw, all i know is that you're daniel's friend, Tara? Hello?


6/23/09, 9:55 PM

well you are now tiger, because it is of my impression that you in particular can never acquire too many names.

i await the address, ladder and mobile number more eagerly than you can imagine.

no, but seriously.

And Hello, that's me, and i am of the impression that you are daniel's friend also?
small world
well not really
the world is never small for a stalker..