Reading Material

Alright then so my sister demanded that I supplied her with reading material by doing one of the quizzes that was on a fellow cub’s blog, pumpkn! Cuz i actually like doing this kinda stuff i will do both! Let's GO! (...Skipping out on the 2nd quiz in the end... 5 is just too much for me)

  1. What is your name?
  2. When is your birthday?
    October 29, 1991
  3. How tall are you?
    168cm (Two bloody centimeters shorter than what i've always wanted...)
  4. Do you have any siblings?
  5. Do you have any pets?
    Two dogs, one pompous brown one and a smelly fat white one!
  6. What is your favorite color?
    Red like my blood! =3
  7. What is your favorite song?
    Errr... keeps changing but right now i guess it's Lia - My Soul, Your Beats! (look it up on you tub!)
  8. What is your favorite restaurant?
    Off hand... Desert House?
  9. What is your favorite drink?
    Cookies and Cream flavoured Black Tea... (WHY ARE YOU DISCONTINUED! WHY GOD WHY!!!!)
  10. What is your favorite gum?
    Extra, Spearmint or Peppermint
  11. What is your favorite snack?
    Err... Lindt Blueberry Dark Chocolate?
  12. What is your favorite dessert?
    MY PANCAKES!!! (Gotta love self advertisement...)
  13. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  14. What is your favorite movie?
    ...aww come on! Someone throw me a line here!
  15. What is your favorite tv show?
  16. When did you get into makeup?
    WTF? Err... when i died and came back from the after life as a good lookin asian girl and at the age of 6 tried using my mum's lipstick and nail polish? Yeaaahhh! Good times...
  17. Favourite makeup product?
  18. If you won a million dollars, what you buy first?
  19. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
    Left, Right and under the bed.
  20. What is your dream car?
    One that moves? (Never been into cars)
  21. If you could take a spontaneous trip somewhere, where would it be?
    THE TOILET! (Come on you know all trips to the toilet are spontaneous!)
  22. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
    Japan? or my Bed... hum...
  23. What is your favorite day of the week and why?
    Wednesday - Cuz it's called hump day.
  24. What is your favorite holiday and why?
    Hanukkah- I like saying Happy Hanukkah, rolls of the tongue nicely
  25. Name 3 sites online that you love or visit frequently<- Fav Artist's blog <- Jap Art Community <- Everyone's Favorite!
  26. If you could have one famous person as a sibling who would you choose?
    Dr.Phil, from what i've heard about him i think it would be a blast!
  27. Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
    Yeah, one in my left ear! =P
  28. Money or love?
  29. Things you can't leave the house without
  30. What are your turn-offs in a guy?
  31. What superhero power would you want to have?
  32. Are you a morning person?
  33. What is your favorite book?
    Book? Huh?
  34. Do you sing randomly?
  35. Left of right handed?
    NO HANDED! (I was left but was converted)
  36. Anything particular you wear everyday?
    Thumbs up for, Thumb Ring!
  37. Where were you born and raised?
    ON EARTH (aka i can't remember)
  38. What did you look like as a baby?
  39. What countries do you want to visit?
    Japan, Tuvalu and Antartica
  40. What does your purse/bag look like?
    A bag?
  41. What is the color of your ipod?
    If i had one, black like my soul.
  42. What is the last song that was playing on your ipod?
    Current fav song?
  43. What kind of phone do you have?
    Sony Ericsson "something a rather" i
  44. Do you have any bad habits?
  45. Do you have a twitter?
  46. A random fact about you:
    I HAVE SAND!...

Movies, Toy Story 3

I went to see a movie on Tuesday which is kinda out of the ordinary for me, It's kinda like a big event for me to see a movie. The last thing I remember actually wanting to go out and see was wall-e or whatever that was and the movie before that I can’t even remember. Off hand I’m unable to like movies cuz one of the main things I look for is some character development and for me two-ish hours just isn’t enough for me to care when someone dies or betrays or other supposedly awesome plot details unfold. Though I tend to like comedy cartoon kinda stuff so toy story was perfect and seeing as I had seen the first 2 movies and enjoyed them. I decided to go with my sister, who was really looking forward to it, at the cinema. What I experienced summed up is:

- Lines lots and lots of lines, one for getting a ticket, one for waiting to get mac donalds, one very long one for popcorn and one to enter the movie at the spot where they check you ticket and send you to the room which I find pretty ridiculous I mean seriously how long does it take to rip tickets?

- A missing toilet doors, which I didn’t notice until liz pointed them out

- Guards. There were guards to prevent ppl from just going from one movie to another which I thought was pretty out of the ordinary and sad.

- A fantastic toy story. I was surprised at how much of the content was directed to an older audience. It made me feel good like they haven’t forgotten about their aging audience.

- REX IS AWESOME! (and Ken!)

- A crying baby in isle I, I think it was. May you shut up next time.

- A chocolate nipple.

I still can’t get over the ticket tearing ppl… I mean if I had their jobs I would be over the moon! I mean who doesn’t like tearing up paper? If I were left along I would throw the paper into the air in confetti like fashion and bask in the explosion of torn papery goodness. I mean tearing tickets does seem kind of fun… Right?